Reflection on VISION - Motivational Video


What is the ultimate key to success?

One must have faith in themselves, they have to constantly tell themselves that they will definitely reach their success and goals one day. Even if not today or tomorrow, we have to tell ourselves that we will make our dreams a reality if we never quit.

I have always faced this problem along my years. Whenever I start on a project or  I have my goals, and when I constantly get criticized or judged, it makes me want to give up. I eventually quit and just push my dreams and goals aside just because I lacked the faith and belief in myself. I would say that would be the sole reason that I've missed out many chances in my life along the way.

After watching this video I am determined to change my way of thinking, I want to bring back the faith that I have lost. I want to be the person that is successful.  I want to be happy with my choices, I do not want to change the way I am for others. It's time for me to make that change now.

When will you start?

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