101 ways to...


During this group activity, I realised that both my group members and I already had a few ideas in mind beforehand.. We were able to say out 16 different ways and began thinking for the rest. These ideas, in my opinion, must have been recalled from past experience from one's life or an idea that has been discussed from the past events.

I feel like it is more comfortable for me to think by images as I could imagine the way it will look like and how it might roughly turn out. As for words, it branches out to many other but not all of them could be appiled to achieve a certain result.

I definitely agree that brainstorming is effective. With group brainstorming, its even better as there are more ideas that you or the others might have never thought of , you know?. You will be able to immediately reflect upon these ideas as you have already mind-mapped it. I think that mind-mapping is the best way to display your ideas and creative thoughts. Though, one must remember not to get out of point from the given topic.

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