About me
My name is Shamini. I'm an art student.
Meet Meow Meow aka Mafia. He is a fat, naughty cat with soft white fur, though he is really adorable at most times. He has an owner but he tends to visit my house for food and attention. So we decided to place a bed outside for him to rest. Eversince then he comes over as usual to eat and rest. That's when I captured this picture. He seems to be in such a deep sleep and relaxed, enjoying his little nap time.
This photo was taken by me last night , after the national day celebrations. It's one of those moments where I did not expect that I would find such pretty views in Singapore, whenever I saw pictures of night skies on the net. I have yet to explore the places in Singapore during the night.. You'll never know what you'll find.
I am just going to reflect on my thoughts and what I have learnt in my photography workshop.
Before entering the class, I was expecting to learn many skillful ways to capture an image that will make the whole outcome look impressive. I also thought I would learn more about photoshop edits.
During the lesson, I got to learn that there's two sides to photography. One is the high key images (HK) , the other will be low key images (LK). If your photo has more than 70% of white in it, it's a HK image. If your photo has more than 70% of black in it, it's a LK image. I also learnt about the photo studio sets up and safety measures to prevent injuries.
I am definitely glad I booked for this workshop as I have learnt some things that I could apply in later stages of my life. Adding on, the image attached to this post was taken by me, during the hands on session. It's an HK image and it was one of those good shots.
During this group activity, I realised that both my group members and I already had a few ideas in mind beforehand.. We were able to say out 16 different ways and began thinking for the rest. These ideas, in my opinion, must have been recalled from past experience from one's life or an idea that has been discussed from the past events.
I feel like it is more comfortable for me to think by images as I could imagine the way it will look like and how it might roughly turn out. As for words, it branches out to many other but not all of them could be appiled to achieve a certain result.
I definitely agree that brainstorming is effective. With group brainstorming, its even better as there are more ideas that you or the others might have never thought of , you know?. You will be able to immediately reflect upon these ideas as you have already mind-mapped it. I think that mind-mapping is the best way to display your ideas and creative thoughts. Though, one must remember not to get out of point from the given topic.