What is reflective writing?
What is the difference between reflective writing and descriptive writing?
How you do reflective writing?
How can you apply what you have learnt during an event?

It is your own thinking process and opinion about what you have done earlier.
Usually when I am asked to do a reflection as an assignment, I start writing about where it has happened, when it happened and who were involved in it. After watching this video on reflective writing, I have realised that all the reflections I have done so far were actually descriptive writing.

What I have learnt from watching this video, is to, write a real good reflection, and the steps to do so.

Reflective writing mainly consists of you reflecting on how you felt about it, basically your thoughts during the event, after the event and even before the event. Also, why do you do things that cause a result you did not expect and how do you apply what you have learnt to your future. It's also best if you do not focus only on the past event and look further into other things in the past that relates to the past event. Thus, finding a way to apply it to the future.

I hope anyone who comes across this video will click that play button and watch it fully, as it really benefits you to reflect everything with a better perspective.

During the olden days, some people used the telephones, like the one in the picture. I personally loved to use my fingertip and dial the numbers. Even though letters were the most commonly used means to reach someone. Telephones were the most convenient.

Happened to pass by these cute little crafty hot air balloons with clouds, hanging on a display. The unique design and choice of colours really caught my eyes, giving out a playful and creative feel.

Ever wondered how do cats look at things around the surroundings in their own point of view? What thoughts do they get?

Once again, I've forgotten the way to use watercolours. I did not keep in mind that watercolours work different from poster colours.  I've came across really talented works online , and I've selected my favourite ones to display on this post. Watercolour is one of the easiest medium to use when you're really experienced with it. It requries a lot of patience and attention when you want it to be your best work for beginners. (ps. using watercolour for faces are the hardest thing for me, for now..)

I've been really obessesed with experimenting different colours of eyeshadows  make up looks on my eyelids and face. I feel like it's a  great way to express my creativity. These pictures are my top favourite looks from easyneon. I am always in love with her works and how humble she is.  I hope someday, I will be an expert with my make ups too.  

All pictures and photo credits in this post belongs to +easyNeon .
More on : easyNeon

Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning "wheel."  There are seven main chakras and they are located along the spine extending out the front and back of the body.These seven chakra symbols are vital to our health. Negative feelings hamper the spin of these chakras, resulting in sickness and disease. A chakra is a vital energy center that resides in our bodies, that is not detectable by most modern medical means.
The chakras are formed at the junction of three connected energy shafts that ascend the spine, one on each side of the central channel, the Shushumna.Chakras both take up and collect life force energy and transform and pass on energy. Our material bodies could not exist without them for they serve as gateways for the flow of energy and life into our physical bodies

I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them. ”
-Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was constantly updating his style, he did work from the blue period, the rose period, African influenced style, to cubism, surrealism, and realism. Not only did he master these styles, he was a pioneer in each of these movements, and influenced the styles to follow throughout the 20th century, from the initial works he  created. 

Pablo Picasso was a pacifist, and large scale paintings he created, showcased this cry for peace, and change during the time. A 1937 piece he created, after the German bombing of Guernica, was one such influential piece of the time. Not only did this become his most famous piece of art work, but the piece which showed the brutality of war, and death, also made him a prominent political figure of the time. To sell his work, and the message he believed in, art, politics, and eccentricity, were among his main selling points.

Many things Pablo Picasso did during the 1950s, conflicted with the general public. Viciousness towards his children, exaggerated virility towards women, and joining the Communist party, were some of the many scandals which he was involved in during his lifetime. Although most of the things he did were viewed negatively by a minority of the general public, admirers of Pablo Picasso turned a blind eye, and still accepted him as a prominent figure in their society these were some of the rules Pablo Picasso broke in order to come out with surprising designs.

In my opinion, I feel that Pablo Picasso has portrayed his work the ways he sees it instead of how it should be in the society's point of view.Painting is a blind man's profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.”
-Pablo Picasso

More on: http://www.pablopicasso.org/index.jsp

Meet Meow Meow aka Mafia. He is a fat, naughty cat with soft white fur, though he is really adorable at most times. He has an owner but he tends to visit my house for food and attention. So we decided to place a bed outside for him to rest. Eversince then he comes over as usual to eat and rest. That's when I captured this picture. He seems to be in such a deep sleep and relaxed, enjoying his little nap time.

This photo was taken by me last night , after the national day celebrations. It's one of those moments where I did not expect that I would find such pretty views in Singapore, whenever I saw pictures of night skies on the net. I have yet to explore the places in Singapore during the night.. You'll never know what you'll find.

I am just going to reflect on my thoughts and what I have learnt in my photography workshop.
Before entering the class, I was expecting to learn many skillful ways to capture an image that will make the whole outcome look impressive. I also thought I would learn more about photoshop edits.

During the lesson, I got to learn that there's two sides to photography. One is the high key images (HK) , the other will be low key images (LK). If your photo has more than 70% of white in it, it's a HK image. If your photo has more than 70% of black in it, it's a LK image. I also learnt about the photo studio sets up and safety measures to prevent injuries. 

I am definitely glad I booked for this workshop as I have learnt some things that I could apply in later stages of my life. Adding on, the image attached to this post was taken by me, during the hands on session. It's an HK image and it was one of those good shots.

During this group activity, I realised that both my group members and I already had a few ideas in mind beforehand.. We were able to say out 16 different ways and began thinking for the rest. These ideas, in my opinion, must have been recalled from past experience from one's life or an idea that has been discussed from the past events.

I feel like it is more comfortable for me to think by images as I could imagine the way it will look like and how it might roughly turn out. As for words, it branches out to many other but not all of them could be appiled to achieve a certain result.

I definitely agree that brainstorming is effective. With group brainstorming, its even better as there are more ideas that you or the others might have never thought of , you know?. You will be able to immediately reflect upon these ideas as you have already mind-mapped it. I think that mind-mapping is the best way to display your ideas and creative thoughts. Though, one must remember not to get out of point from the given topic.